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PicoLCD 20x2 (OEM) Programmierbares USB LCD [REFURBISHED]

PicoLCD 20x2 (OEM) Programmierbares USB LCD [<b>REFURBISHED</b>]

Restposten. Refurbished. Marginale Gebrauchsspuren am Gerät. 2 Jahre Gewährleistung.

Mini-Box USB LCD is an intelligent 2x20 character USB LCD display module with InfraRed receiver and keypad interface. This USB LCD display device it's a true USB HID device (not serial or parallel port to USB emulated) supporting high speed data transfers and easy application developmen without any special drivers needed. picoLCD is not limited to a USB only connection it can be connected thru I2C or USART. Mini-Box has designed picoLCD with the ease of use in mind reducing the time and money needed for integrators to launch a new product with picoLCD. Our sample applications provides windows and


4.95 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager (134 St.)

In den Warenkorb

Restposten. Refurbished. Marginale Gebrauchsspuren am Gerät. 2 Jahre Gewährleistung.

Mini-Box USB LCD is an intelligent 2x20 character USB LCD display module with InfraRed receiver and keypad interface. This USB LCD display device it's a true USB HID device (not serial or parallel port to USB emulated) supporting high speed data transfers and easy application developmen without any special drivers needed. picoLCD is not limited to a USB only connection it can be connected thru I2C or USART. Mini-Box has designed picoLCD with the ease of use in mind reducing the time and money needed for integrators to launch a new product with picoLCD. Our sample applications provides windows and linux platform support with open source code and SDK available. Mini-Box USB LCD has built in 8x5 dots ASCII character font with 8 used definable characters and provides 8 GPO (General Purpose Output) pins. Internal EEPROM allows firmware upgrading and splash screen definition. On power on Mini-Box USB LCD is able to show up to 10 user defined splash screens with custom timing, order and led/gpo status.

- New! added IR decoding functions and an Ubuntu package
- 20x2 character USB LCD Display
- True full-speed USB HID device
- USB full-speed 2.0 support
- 10 custom splash screens, custom timing / looping
- IR receiver connector
- Keypad / LED connector
- USART and I2C connectors
- Supports 8 GPO
- Software support for Windows and Linux platforms
- Open source SDK and source code
- Built in ASCII character set with support for user defined characters
- Electroluminescent green backlight
- On the fly firmware updates
- PicoLCD: 0.74 x 3.28 in.
- Overall size with PCB: 1.47 x 4.57 in.
- Windows + Linux SDK available !

- Rackmount 1u, 2u or larger cases
- Servers systems to display vital data
- Embedded systems
- Small external USB devices used for monitoring or displaying realtime data

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PicoLCD problem Linux
We are having boot time issues, where sometimes the LCDd daemon's control protocol to the PicoLCD via the USB does not work : The issue might be related to the fact that the LCDd can't claim the usb interface of picoLCD because it's hold by kernel. Can you try to blacklist the picoLCD device (use lsusb to get vendorid/productid) by adding in your bootloader the following at kernel command line:


If you usb hid driver is compiled as module you will need to add similar line to modprobe.conf

options usbhid quirks=0x04d8:0xc002:0x4

Where 0x04d8:0xc002 is the vendor:product id of picoLCD and 0x4 is the command to ignore this device and not bind to hid driver.

Documentation from kernel source:

Example of modload quirks usage: passing "quirks=0xcd5:0x1:0x4" at boot tells the USB HID driver to ignore (0x4) vendor ID 0x0cd5, product ID 0x0001. HID quirk values are defined in include/linux/hid-quirks.h
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